Wednesday, 6 November 2013

There's this orange fence around my territory, and it's super fun biting it!
  And scratching it and pulling it down, too, of course.

There are also lots of daisies on my territory. I have no idea how they got there. Any ideas?
Fun to pounce on, though. Especially when they blow in the wind!

Here's Paws, being weird and rolling around in the dusty mud.
 You can't even see her head!

Here's a photo of me, super cute as usual.
Aren't I adorable? ^.^

Drat humans. Apparently the one who's typing this has to get off the computer so she can go and see her aunt.
I mean, seriously?
Apparently they keep track of all their relatives! O.O
Well *sigh* bye.

1 comment:

  1. SilverDawn, currently not signed in12 November 2013 at 03:15

    Oh, Teals, you peawit!
