Monday, 6 May 2013


I'm finally getting Kiny to post on my three-leggedness!
But before I do, she just wants to put something else...
*Houm had another shower last night! He miaowed a lot more than usual though :( he makes these really loud mournful yowls! But he was so clean afterwards!*
Ok. That's that. Onto my three-leggedness!
Note: Kinyonga will type this in her fashion because I can't remember it!
Second note: first part is moderately sad.

Treacle was born to Samy on the 9th August 2012. He had 4 siblings - 3 boys and a girl. 
(Liquorice, Malteser, Humbug and Milky Way.)
On the first day, Milky Way died. Kinyonga and her father were out shopping, and SilverDawn and her mother were at home. Her mother went down to the swimming pool, where the box of cats was, and peered in. 
"I think one's died," she said sadly.
SilverDawn started crying, and just then Kinyonga and her father got back. 

The next day, Kinyonga went down to the box to feed Samy. She fed her, and when Samy was out of the box, she looked in. One was lying motionless - dead. Kinyonga went back up to the house and, without words, told her father. So the two of them went back to the box to remove the dead one. That was when they discovered that one kitten had a missing paw. The end of the foot was all mauled and...mushy. That kitten was Treacle. They had to disentangle the dead kitten from Treacle's leg. The father said Treacle probably wouldn't survive. Then the kittens and Samy were brought inside. Treacle was rushed off to the vet by Kinyonga and her mother. The vet said that Treacle was pretty certain to die but they could give him some antibiotics and stitch him up - though the kindest thing would be to put him to sleep, there and then. 
Mother asked Kinyonga what she wanted to do, and Kiny said that she'd rather they tried with the antibiotics, first. He didn't seem to be in much pain, after all. 
Then the vet said, over Kiny's head, "They don't think, at that age."
Kinyonga was outraged, but didn't say anything.
Nevertheless, Treacle got his leg stitched up and was taken back home. 
Once his wound had healed, the stitches fell out. But then he began to hobble along on the stump of his leg - which caused an open wound to appear. Kinyonga had to use betadine on some cotton wool to clean his leg several times each day. It was hard because the betadine stung and made him wriggle.

That's betadine...
His leg kept healing and then the wound open again and it continued in a vicious circle.
 Treacle with his open wound.

And from here, Treacle continues:

Then my leg started to get swollen and filled with an icky sort of puss... Then they took me to the vet again when I was three months old. They left me there with Samy, and kept Humbug and Malteser at home (they were old enough to be alone by now). Then the vet took me into a funny room, and stuck a needle into me. I can't remember what happened then, I think I fell asleep. 
 When I woke up, the left hand side of my body was missing a lot of fur, was covered in silvery stuff and had string in it!
*Translation: silvery stuff = some sort of ointment. String = stitches.*
And my leg didn't hurt! Well, where my leg had been...I didn't have any more leg! O.o
*They'd amputated his leg because otherwise it would just get more and more mouldy. They also neutered him.*
It was really weird...then Kiny came with her mum and SilverDawn and they took me and Samy back home.
 I had to stay indoors for the rest of the day, which didn't really matter because it was almost night time.
 We gave him some food.
*Anyway, he soon got better! But why had he had a leg problem in the first place? SilverDawn and mun thought that he'd been bitten by a marten or something. Though dad and I thought maybe he'd been born a bit funny, Samy had licked it and caused the wound to open. Now, though, I'm more for the marten idea. The vets kept swapping opinions!*
So that's the story of my leg! ^.^ 

Bye for now!

*By the way, I'll add a background to the blog posts.*

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